Not really knowing what to expect, my personal goal was to have at least one other person with me for each and every screening. And while Vonna was prepared to join me in the event that I was alone for any screening, we never had to resort to that (she was able to watch only the films she really wanted to see). To average 4 other attendees for every screening was a huge success.
I knew I would enjoy myself, as we were lined up to watch 40 of my personal favorite films. But even more than that, I was looking forward to finding out what other people's favorites were in our line-up, as well as the opportunity to introduce folks to some great films they may not have seen on the big screen, if at all.
Special recognition goes out to Kyle, who not only was present for the majority of the films in the series, but who also made an effort to watch those films he wasn't able to see during the series at home. I think at last count, he was only down 2001: A Space Odyssey... although if he's going to watch that, I'll arrange for another screening on the big screen, as that's the only way that one should be experienced.
Best supporting recognition goes to Vonna, who ended up catering elaborate meals for each night of the series, much to the delight of the early arrivals. I think she'll welcome the return to our weekly series, as it's quite an effort in planning to come up with new and interesting meals for a large group night after night.
Other interesting tidbits:
• Our most senior attendee was 71, and he not only made it to a good number of screenings - he actually watched the entire Star Wars series on the opening day of the series - all of them for the first time!
• Our youngest attendee was just under six months old. Years from now we'll tell our goddaughter about her first exposure to John Carpenter's Starman.
No promises - but you might want to mark your calendars for January 2020...